
"You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be." ~Napoleon Hill

Hi, I'm Corri Anna!

I’m a Happy Wife, Mommy of 4 Littles, Entrepreneur and Online Marketing Enthusiast. I have over 15 years’ experience in B2B sales and web design, but after having kids I realized I rarely found fulfilment in my professional life; it was the longing to be home with my children that my heart desired.

I wanted to enjoy the freedoms that come with being financially secure..

..but I didn't realize how fast I would actually get there!

working professional woman with children

Life Wasn't Always Easy..

We had our fair share of struggles. My sweet husband had a difficult time staying employed due to lack of demand for his skillset, and it made life very stressful for our family.

Between my husband and I, we had 4 degrees and nothing to show for but 6 figures in student loan debts. The 9-5 employment system we were taught our whole lives to work towards – resulted in unethical bosses, overworking and being underpaid, getting laid off several times and having long periods of unemployment. 

My dream of being a stay-at-home Mom was disintegrating because I felt like I had no choice but to work full time to support out family.

We were LONG OVERDUE for a change.

frustrated business woman


While scrolling on social media one day, I stumbled across a $497 “done-for-you digital marketing course,” and out of curiosity and FOMO (I noticed many influencers were doing it and making 6 figures within the first few months), I held my breath and purchased it.

It turned out to be the best investment I’ve ever made.

I learned how to sell digital products online (online courses, Ebooks, digital guides, etc.) for 100% commissions using social media; and that I did not even have to make the products myself! And the best part... is that I only had to set it up once. The business runs itself.


I realized that so many other moms were in the same boat that I had been in – feeling stuck with their feet firmly planted in the air; feeling like they were spinning their tires and getting nowhere in life… needing a change. And I had a growing desire to help them find their own way towards financial freedom.

After learning and growing and changing my mindset, I am excited to share my journey and knowledge with others to learn the same way I did. I like to think of it as paying it forward - by helping other moms create their own passive income and enjoy financial freedom.

destiny digital wealth logo woman with flowy dress

And from there, 

Destiny Digital Wealth was born!

*Individual results may vary. Please review our Disclaimer and Privacy Policy for more information.

ready to quantum leap?


A few years ago, I realized I had come to a major crossroad in my life, and that the decision I made at that point would be a defining moment, altering the course of my future forever. I could choose to stay the path I was on - one of familiarity and thus a perceived sense of comfort and safety, but with no possibility of ever achieving my dreams. Or I could choose the lesser known road - but with it, the opportunity for all of wildest dreams to actually become true. You know now where my story led. What path will you choose for the next chapter of yours?

free guide for beginners:


Explore the exciting world of digital marketing - Learn how to build your brand and generate passive income with ZERO experience!


I’m a blogger, content creator, and digital marketing specialist helping ambitious women like you start their online business from scratch and grow it to six-figures and beyond. I can’t wait to help you create your success story!

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